Published and in press:
- Yong, W.T.L., Ades, P.K., Runa, F.A., Bossinger, G., Sandhu, K.S., Potts, B.M. and J.F.G. Tibbits (2021). Genome wide association study of myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) resistance in Eucalyptus obliqua (subgenus Eucalyptus). Tree Genetics and Genomes, 17:31.
- Karannagoda, N., Spokevicius, A., Hussey, S. and G. Bossinger (2020). Microanalytical techniques for phenotyping secondary xylem. IAWA Journal, 41:356-389.
- Tobias, L.M., Spokevicius, A.V., McFarlane, H.E. and G. Bossinger (2020). The Cytoskeleton and Its role in secondary cell wall formation in woody tree species. Plants, 9:90.
- Yong, W.T.L., Ades, P.K., Goodger, J.Q.D., Bossinger, G., Runa, F.A., Sandhu, K.S. and J.F.G. Tibbits (2019). Using essential oil composition to discriminate between myrtle rust phenotypes in Eucalyptus. Industrial Crops and Products, 140:111595.
- Ruvini, V.L., Scott, J.B., Ades, P.K. and P.W.J. Taylor (2019). Population structure of Colletotrichum tanaceti in Australian pyrethrum reveals high evolutionary potential. Phytopathology.
- Ruvini, V.L., Korhonen, P.K., Young, N.D., Scott, J.B., Ades, P.K., Gasser, R.B. and P.W.J. Taylor (2019). Comparative genome analysis indicates high evolutionary potential of pathogenicity genes in Colletotrichum tanaceti. PLOS1.
- Yong, W.T.L., Ades, P.K., Bossinger, G., Runa, F.A., Sandhu, K.S., Potts, B.M. and J.F.G. Tibbits (2019). Geographical patterns of variation in susceptibility of Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus obliqua to myrtle rust disease. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 15:31.
- De Silva, D.D., Groenewald, J.Z. Crous, P.W., Ades, P.K., Nasruddin, A., Mongkolporn, O. and P.J.W. Taylor (2019). Identification, prevalence and pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species causing anthracnose of Capsicum in Asia. IMA Fungus, 10:1.
- Callaghan, S.E., Burgess, L.W., Ades, P.K., Mann, E., Morrison, A., Tesoriero, L.A. and P.W.J. Taylor (2019). Identification and pathogenicity of Pythium species associated with poor growth of tomato plants in the Australian Processing Tomato Industry. Acta Horticulturae,
Yong, W.T.L., Ades, P.K., Tibbits, J.F.G., Bossinger, G., Runa, F.A., Sandhu, K.S. and P.W.J. Taylor (2019). Disease cycle of Austropuccinia psidiion Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus obliqua leaves of different rust response phenotypes. Plant Pathology, 68:547-556.
Bossinger, G. and A.V. Spokevicius (2018). Sector analysis reveals patterns of cambium differentiation in poplar stems. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69:4339-4348. (…highlighted in: Ramos, A.C. and S. Regan (2018). Cell differentiation in the vascular cambium: new tool, 120-year debate. Journal of Experimental Botany, 69:4231-4233.
- Bossinger, G. and A.V. Spokevicius (2018). All the forests in the world from a single layer of cells. PURSUIT – Science matters.; 2 July 2018.
- Bossinger, G. and A.V. Spokevicius (2018). Secondary growth and wood development. Chapter 7.2 in: Plants in Action (R. Munns, S. Schmidt and C. Beveridge eds),, The Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Sciences.
- Spokevicius, A.V. and G. Bossinger (2018). How gene effects on wood formation can be studied in forest tree species. Case Study 7.2 in: Plants in Action (R. Munns, S. Schmidt and C. Beveridge eds),, The Australian and New Zealand Societies of Plant Sciences.
- Schuster, T.M., Setaro, S.D., Tibbits, J.F.G., Batty, E.L., Fowler, R.M., Mclay, T.G.B., Wilcox, S., Ades, P.K. and M.J. Bayly (2018). Chloroplast variation is incongruent with classification of the Australian bloodwood eucalypts (genus Corymbia, family Myrtaceae). PLOS 1.
- Moslemi, A., Ades, P.K., Crous, P., Nicolas, M.E. and P.J.W. Taylor (2018). Influence of waterlogging on growth of pyrethrum plants infected by crown and root rot pathogens – Fusarium oxysporum, Fusarium avenaceum and Paraphoma vinacea. Australasian Plant Pathology, 47:205-213.
- Moslemi, A., Ades, P.K., Crous, P., Groom, T., Scott, J., Nicolas, M.E. and P.W.J. Taylor (2018). Paraphoma chlamydocopiosa sp. nov. and Paraphoma pye sp. nov., two new species associated with leaf and crown infection of pyrethrum. Plant Pathology, 67:124-135.
- De Silva, D.D., Crous, P.W., Ades, P.K., Hyde, K.D. and P.W.J. Taylor (2017). Life styles of Colletotrichum species and implications for plant biosecurity. Fungal Biology Reviews, 31:155-168.
- Moslemi, A., Ades, P.K., Groom, T., Crous, P., Nicolas, M.E. and P.W.J. Taylor (2017). Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium avenaceum associated with yield-decline of pyrethrum in Australia. European J Plant Pathology, 149:43-56.
- Moslemi, A., Ades, P., Groom, T., Nicolas, M. and P. Taylor (2017). Alternaria infectoria and Stemphylium herbarum, two new pathogens of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) in northern Tasmania. Australasian Plant Pathology, 46:91-101.
- De Silva, D.D., Ades, P.K., Crous, P.W. and P.W.J. Taylor (2017). Colletotrichum species associated with chili anthracnose in Australia. Plant Pathology, 66:254-267.
- Spokevicius, A., Taylor, L., Melder, E., Van Beveren, K., Tibbits, J., Creux, N. and G. Bossinger (2016). The use of induced somatic sector analysis (ISSA) for studying genes and promoters involved in wood formation and secondary stem development. Vis. Exp.(116), e54553,
- Wujeska-Klause A., Bossinger G. and M. Tausz (2016). The concentration of ascorbic acid and glutathione in thirteen provenances of Acacia melanoxylon.Tree Physiology, 36:524-532.
- Moslemi, A., Ades, P., Groom, T., Nicolas, M. and P. Taylor (2016). Paraphoma crown rot of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium). Plant Disease, 100:2363-2368.
- Mesgaran, M.B., Lewis, M.A., Ades, P.K., Donohue, K., Ohadi, S., Li, C.J and R.D. Cousens (2016). Hybridization can facilitate species invasions, even without enhancing local adaptation. PNAS, 113:10210–10214.
- Ohadi, S., Ades, P.K., Ford, R., Strand, A.E., Tibbits, J., Mesgaran, M.B. and R.D.A. Cousens (2016). Genetic structure along the strandline: unravelling invasion history in a one-dimensional system. Journal of Biogeography, 43:541-560.
- Wujeska-Klause A., Bossinger G. and M. Tausz (2015). Responses to heatwaves of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidants ascorbic acid and glutathione in congeneric pairs of Acaciaand Eucalyptus species from relatively cooler and warmer climates. Trees – Structure and Function, 29:1929-1941.
- Melder, E., Bossinger, G. and A. Spokevicius (2015). ARBORKNOX1 delays the differentiation of induced somatic sector analysis (ISSA) derived xylem fibre cells in poplar stems. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 11:87.
- Kazana, V., Tsourgiannis, L., Iakovoglou, V., Stamatiou, C., Alexandrov, A., Araújo, S., Bogdan, S., Bozic, G., Brus, R., Bossinger, G., Boutsimea, A., Ćelepirović, N., Cvrčková, H., Fladung, M., Ivanković, M., Kazaklis, A., Koutsona, P., Luthar, Z., Máchová, P., Malá, J., Mara, K., Mataruga, M., Moravcikova, J., Paffetti, D., Paiva, J.A.P., Raptis, D., Sanchez, C., Sharry, S., Salaj, T., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Tel-Zur, N., Tsvetkov, I., Vettori, C. and N. Vidal (2015). Public knowledge and perceptions of safety issues towards the use of genetically modified forest trees: A cross-country pilot survey. p. 223-244, In: Vettori, C., Fladung, M., Häggman, H., Pilate, G., Gallardo, F., Kazana, V. and F. Migliacci (eds), Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees – Improving the Scientific Basis for Safe Tree Development and Implementation of EU Policy Directives, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
- Kazana, V., Tsourgiannis, L., Iakovoglou, V., Stamatiou, C., Alexandrov, A., Araújo, S., Bogdan, S., Bozic, G., Brus, R., Bossinger, G., Boutsimea, A., Ćelepirović, N., Cvrčková, H., Fladung, M., Ivanković, M., Kazaklis, A., Koutsona, P., Luthar, Z., Máchová, P., Malá, J., Mara, K., Mataruga, M., Moravcikova, J., Paffetti, D., Paiva, J.A.P., Raptis, D., Sanchez, C., Sharry, S., Salaj, T., Šijačić-Nikolić, M., Tel-Zur, N., Tsvetkov, I., Vettori, C. and N. Vidal (2015). Public attitudes towards the use of transgenic forest trees: A cross-country pilot survey. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 9:344-353.
- Baldacci-Cresp, F., Moussawi, J., Leplé, J.-C., Van Acker, R., Kohler, A., Candiracci, J., Twyffels, L., Spokevicius, A.V., Bossinger, G., Laurans, F., Brunel, N., Vermeersch, M., Boerjan, W., El Jaziri, M. and M. Baucher (2015). PtaRHE1, a Populous tremulax alba RING-H2 protein of the ATL family, has a regulatory role in secondary phloem development. The Plant Journal, 82:978-90.
- Wujeska, A., Bossinger, G. and M. Tausz (2015). Seedlings of two Acaciaspecies from contrasting habitats show different photoprotective and antioxidative responses to drought and heatwaves. Annals of Forest Science, 72:403-414.
- MacMillan C.P., Taylor, L., Bi, Y.D., Southerton, S.G., Evans R. and A. Spokevicius (2015). The fasciclin-like arabinogalactan protein family of Eucalyptus grandis contains members that impact wood biology and biomechanics. New Phytologist, 206:1314-1327.
- Vaghefi, N., Ades, P.K., Pethybridge, S.J. and P.W.J. Taylor (2015). Draft genome sequence of Stagonosporopsis tanaceti. IMA Fungus, 6: 231–246.
- Vaghefi, N., Hay, F., Ades, P.K., Pethybridge, S.J., Ford, R. and P.W.J. Taylor (2015). Rapid changes in the genetic composition of Stagonosporopsis tanaceti population in Australian pyrethrum fields. Phytopathology, 105:358-369.
- Vaghefi, N., Ades, P.K., Hay, F.S., Pethybridge, S.J., Ford, R. and P.W.J. Taylor (2015). Identification of the MAT1 locus in Stagonosporopsis tanaceti, and exploring its potential for sexual reproduction in Australian pyrethrum fields. Fungal Biology, 119:408-419.
- Thavamanikumar, S., Thumma, B.R., Southerton, S.G. and G. Bossinger (2014). Association studies in Eucalyptus. In: Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Eucalypts (R. Henry and C. Kole eds), p.45-57, Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH and CRC Press (Taylor and Francis), Boca Raton, FL.
- Thavamanikumar, S., McManus, L.J., Ades, P.K. , Bossinger, G., Stackpole, D.J., Kerr, R., Hadjigol, S., Freeman, J.S., Vaillancourt, R.E., Zhu, P. and J.F.G. Tibbits (2014). Association mapping for wood quality and growth traits in Eucalyptus globulusglobulus Labill. identifies nine stable marker-trait associations for seven traits. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 10:1661-1678.
- Myburg, A.A., Grattapaglia, D., Tuskan G.A., Hellsten U., Hayes R,D., Grimwood J., Jenkins J., Lindquist E., Tice H., Bauer D., Goodstein D.M., Dubchak I., Poliakov A., Mizrachi, E., Kullan, A.R.K., Hussey S.G., Pinard D., Van der Merwe K., Singh P., Van Jaarsveld I., Silva O.B., Togawa R.C., Pappas M.R., Faria D.A., Sansaloni C.P., Petroli, C.D., Yang X.H., Ranjan P., Tschaplinski T.J., Ye C.Y., Li T., Sterck L., Vanneste K., Murat F., Soler M., Clemente H.S., Saidi N., Cassan-Wang H., Dunand C., Hefer CA., Bornberg-Bauer E., Kersting, A.R., Amarasinghe V., Ranik M., Naithani S., Elser J., Boyd, A.E., Liston A., Spatafora J.W., Dharmwardhana P., Raja R., Sullivan, C., Romanel E., Alves-Ferreira M., Lheim C.K., Foley W., Carocha V., Paiva J., Kudrna D., Brommonschenkel S.H., Pasquali G., Byrne M., Rigault P., Tibbits J., Spokevicius A., Jones R.C., Steane D.A., Vaillancourt R.E., Potts B.M., Joubert F., Barry K., Pappas, G.J., Strauss, S.H., Jaiswal P., Grima-Pettenati J., Salse J., Van de Peer, Y., Rokhsar, D.S. and J. Schmutz (2014). The Genome of Eucalyptus grandis, Nature, 510(7505):356.
- Nevill, P.G., Despres, T., Bayly, M.J., Bossinger, G. and P.K. Ades (2014). Shared phylogeographic patterns and widespread chloroplast haplotype sharing in Eucalyptus species with different ecological tolerances. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 10:1079-1092.
- Powell, C.J., Ades, P., Collett, N. and C. Phillips (2014). Epigaeic beetle communities of the Green Triangle plantation landscape, southern Australia: effect of remnant size, vegetation quality and structural complexity. Australian Forestry, 76:128-139.
- Wujeska, A., Bossinger, G. and M. Tausz (2013). Responses of foliar antioxidative and photoprotective defence systems of trees to drought – a meta-analysis. Tree Physiology, 33:1018-1029.
- Bayly, M.J., Rigault, P., Spokevicius, A.V., Ladiges, P.Y., Ades, P.K., Anderson, C., Bossinger, G., Merchant, A., Udovicic, F., Woodrow, I.E. and J.F.G. Tibbits (2013). Chloroplast genome analysis of Australian eucalypts – Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Angophora, Allosyncarpia and Stockwellia (Myrtaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69:704-16.
- Waite, H., May, P. and G. Bossinger (2013). Variations in phytosanitary and other management practices in Australian grapevine nurseries. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 52:369−379.
- Thavamanikumar, S., Southerton, S.G., Bossinger, G. and B.R. Thumma (2013). Dissection of complex traits in forest trees — opportunities for marker-assisted selection. Tree Genetics and Genomes, 9:627-639.
- Creux, N.M., Bossinger, G., Myburg, A.A. and A.V. Spokevicius (2013). Induced somatic sector analysis of cellulose synthase (CesA) promoter regions in woody stem tissues. Planta, 237:799-812.
Some older publications:
- Creux, N.M., M. Ranik, M., M.H. De Castro, M.H., Spokevicius, A., Bossinger, G., Maritz-Olivier, C. and A.A. Myburg (2012). Understanding the transcriptional regulation of the Eucalyptus cellulose synthase1 gene. South African Journal of Botany, 79:182.
- Hussey, S.G., Mizrachi, E., Spokevicius, A.V., Bossinger, G., Berger, D.K and A.A. Myburg (2012). SND2, a NAC transcription factor gene, regulates genes involved in secondary cell wall development in Arabidopsis fibres and increases fibre cell area in Eucalyptus. BMC Plant Biology, 2011, 11:173
- Bossinger, G. and A.V. Spokevicius (2011). Plant Chimaeras and Mosaics. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester,
- Thavamanikumar, S., McManus, L. J. Tibbits, J. F. G. and G. Bossinger (2011). The significance of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Eucalyptus globulus breeding programs. Australian Forestry, 74:23-29.
- Nevill, P.G., Bossinger, G. and P.K. Ades (2010). Phylogeography of the world’s tallest angiosperm Eucalyptus regnans: Evidence for multiple isolated Quaternary refugia. Journal of Biogeography, 37: 179-192.
- Bossinger, G. (2009). Segments (phytomers) (version 2.0). In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester,
- Nevill, P.G., Reed, A., Bossinger, G., Vaillancourt, R.E., Larcombe, M. and P.K. Ades (2008). Cross species amplification of Eucalyptus microsatellite loci. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8:1277-1280.
- Bossinger, G., Tibbits, J.F.G., McManus, L.J. and A.V. Spokevicius (2007). Molecular tree domestication and the xylogenesis candidate gene cascade. pp. 69-84, In: The Compromised Wood Workshop 2007(Entwistle, K., Harris, P. and Walker, J. eds), The Wood Technology Research Centre, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Teulières, C., Bossinger, G., Moran, G., and C. Marque (2007). Stress Studies in Eucalyptus. Plant Stress, 1:197-215.
Spokevicius, A.V., Southerton, S., MacMillan, C.P., Qiu, D., Gan, S., Tibbits, J.F.G., Moran, G.F. and G. Bossinger (2007). Beta-tubulin affects cellulose microfibril orientation in plant secondary fibre cell walls. The Plant Journal, 51:717-726.
- Spokevicius, A.V., Tibbits, J.F.G. and G. Bossinger (2007). Whole plant and plant part transgenic approaches in the study of wood formation – benefits and limitations. Transgenic Plant Journal, 1:49-59.
- McManus, L.J., Blomstedt, C.K, Sasse, J. and G. Bossinger (2007). The effects of ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) treatment on Eucalyptuspollen behaviour in vitro. Trees – Structure and Function, 21:379-383.
- Van Beveren, K.S., Spokevicius, A.V., Tibbits, J., Wang, Q. and G. Bossinger (2006). Transformation of cambial tissue in vivo provides an efficient means for induced somatic sector analysis and gene testing in stems of woody plant species. Functional Plant Biology, 33:629-638.
- Tibbits, J.F.G., McManus, L.J., Spokevicius, A.V. and G. Bossinger (2006). A rapid method for tissue collection and high throughput genomic DNA isolation from mature trees. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 24:81-91.
- McManus, L.J., Sasse, J., Blomstedt, C.K. and G. Bossinger (2006). Pollen treatment for mutation induction in Eucalyptus globulus globulus (Myrtaceae). Australian Journal of Botany, 54:65-71.
- Spokevicius, A.V., Van Beveren, K.S. and G. Bossinger (2006). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of dormant lateral buds in poplar trees reveals developmental patterns in secondary stem tissues. Functional Plant Biology, 33:133-139.
- Wilson, L., Tonkin, M. and G. Bossinger (2005). Transpiration-assisted perfusion fixation provides in situ preservation of developing ray parenchyma cells in Eucalyptus nitens. Journal of Microscopy, 220:113-119.
- Spokevicius, A.V., Van Beveren, K., Leitch, M.A. and G. Bossinger (2005). Agrobacterium-mediated in vitro transformation of wood-producing stem segments in eucalypts. Plant Cell Reports, 23:617-624.
- Leitch, M.A. and G. Bossinger (2004). In vitro systems for the study of wood formation. Chapter 8, p. 193-211; In: Molecular Genetics and Breeding of Forest Trees. Kumar, S. and M. Fladung eds, The Haworth Press, Inc, NY.
- Wilson, L., Tonkin, M. and G. Bossinger (2004). The Xylem Xapper: A device for preparation of powdered xylem from stems of forest trees for molecular biological investigations. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 22:427-434.
- Bossinger, G. (2002). Plant Chimeras and Mosaics. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences, vol. 14, pp. 387-391. London: NATURE Publishing Group.
- Bossinger, G. (2001). Segments (phytomers). In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences,vol. 17, pp. 61-64. London: NATURE Publishing Group.
- Bossinger, G. and M.A. Leitch (2000). Isolation of cambium-specific genes from Eucalyptus globulus In: Cell & Molecular Biology of Wood Formation (R. Savidge, J.Barnett and R.Napier eds), p. 203-207, BIOS Scientific, Oxford.
- Pozzi, C., Faccioli, P., Terzi, V., Stanca, A.M., Cereoli, S., Castiglioni, P., Fink, R., Capone, R., Müller, K.J., Bossinger, G., Rohde, W. and F. Salamini (2000). Genetics of mutations affecting the development of a barley floral bract. Genetics, 154:1335-1346.
…and some very early gems:
- Bossinger, G. (1997). Genes controlling cambium and fibre differentiation. Appita Journal, Journal of the Technical Association of the Australian and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry Inc., 50(1):76.
- Bossinger, G. and D.R. Smyth (1996). Initiation patterns of flower and floral organ development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development, 122:1093-1102.
- Bennett, S., Alvarez, J., Bossinger, G. and D.R. Smyth (1995). Morphogenesis in pinoid mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Journal, 8:505-520.
- Bowman, J.L., Smyth, D.R., Hill, J.P., Lord, E.M., Craig, S., Chaudhary, A., Davis, A.R., Koorneef, M., Okada, K., Shimura, Y., Alvarez, J., Bossinger, G., Weigel, D., Meyerowitz, E.M., Clark, S.E., Sakai, H. and W. Crone (1994). Flowers. Chapter 3 in Arabidopsis: An Atlas of Morphology and Development. J.L. Bowman ed., p. 133-273, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Alvarez, J., Bossinger, G. and D.R. Smyth (1994). The PINOID In: Arabidopsis: An Atlas of Morphology and Development. J. Bowman ed., p. 184-187, Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Castagna, R., Borghi, B., Bossinger, G. and F. Salamini (1993). Induction and characterization of Triticum monococcum mutants affecting plant and ear morphology. Journal of Genetics and Breeding, 47:127-138.
- Bossinger, G., U. Lundqvist, W. Rohde and F. Salamini (1992). Genetics of plant development in barley. In: Barley Genetics VI Vol. II, p. 989-1022, Proceedings of the Sixth International Barley Genetics Symposium, L. Munck ed., Munksgaard Int. Pub. Ltd., Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Bossinger, G., W. Rohde, U. Lundqvist and F. Salamini (1992). Genetics of barley development: Mutant phenotypes and molecular aspects. p. 229-261; In: Barley: Genetics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. P. R. Shewry ed., CAB International, Long Ashton, UK.
Bossinger, G., Maddaloni, M., Motto, M. and F. Salamini (1992). Formation and cell lineage patterns of the shoot apex of maize. The Plant Journal, 2:311-320.
- Fladung, M., Bossinger, G., Roeb, G.W. and F. Salamini (1991). Correlated alterations in leaf and flower morphology and rate of leaf photosynthesis in a midribless (mbl) mutant of Panicum maximum. Planta, 184:356-361.
- Maddaloni, M., Bossinger, G., DiFonzo, N., Motto, M., Salamini, F. and A. Bianchi (1990). Unstable alleles of the Glossy-1 locus of maize show a light-dependent variation in the pattern of somatic reversion. Maydica, 35:409-420.